La Fondazione “Luigi Scotto ONLUS” nasce a Dicembre 2003 su proposta del Comitato Unitario Handicappati di Livorno che dal 1979 si occupa di sensibilizzare, affrontare e contribuire a risolvere o migliorare la vita quotidiana delle persone disabili adulte.
La Fondazione persegue gli obiettivi del Comitato Unitario Handicappati. Questi gli ha conferito il proprio patrimonio immobiliare e specificatamente:
– Casa Famiglia Mario Borrelli
– Casa Famiglia Elio Visone
Nelle 2 Case vivono 25 persone di ambo i sessi con malattie croniche invalidanti, escludendo quelle psichiatriche con gravi problemi relazionali. È stato creato loro quell’ambiente domestico che non hanno più (il DOPO DI NOI).
– 1 struttura semiresidenziale aperta tutto l’anno, ospita 15 persone dalle ore 9 alle ore 17 circa per 6 giorni alla settimana.
Un’ulteriore struttura è destinata ad accogliere altre 10 persone.
Sono disponibili altri posti per esigenze impreviste e temporanee per dare sollievo alle famiglie.
L’assistenza medica è fornita agli ospiti dal proprio medico di base, la Fondazione, oltre alle prestazioni alberghiere, garantisce l’assistenza neurologica, psicologica, fisioterapica ed infermieristica attraverso convenzioni con liberi professionisti.
All’interno della struttura sono programmate quotidianamente, per gli ospiti, attività come danzaterapia, pet-terapy, musica, oltre ai laboratori di decoupage, cucina, lavanderia, giardinaggio, ecc.
Tra le sue attività la Fondazione organizza vacanze marine diurne, gite a scopo ludico, culturale e sportivo. Inoltre la Fondazione attiva iniziative legate alle Festività di calendario anche in collaborazione con altre realtà presenti sul territorio allo scopo di favorire una migliore integrazione con il territorio sociale.
La Fondazione ha i requisiti per stipulare convenzioni con gli Enti Pubblici.
The Fondazione Luigi Scotto was established in December 2003 upon request by the Comitato Unitario Handicappati (C.U.H.) in Leghorn. Since 1979 the C.U.H. work is dedicated to inform and sensitize the ordinary citizens and the authorities about the needs of people with a learning or physical disability; it also supports service users and their families to improve and increase their life quality through specialist multidisciplinary approaches.
The Fondazione Luigi Scotto pursues the objectives of the C.U.H and by its delegation, it manages a wide residential and day care establishment.
The Elio Visone Disability Centre holds two residential homes for people with a learning disability and /or physical disability who no longer have a family for various reasons . There are about 25 residents in both residential homes, adults and young adults of both sex genders with permanent learning and physical disability. Whilst the home environment is purpously furnished to meet our residents need our dedicated staff team works to create a friendly intimate home atmosphere.
The two residential homes, being set up by parents of children with disabilities, pursue every parents dream of seeing their own disabled child, to grow into adulthood in a warm caring environment where the person is the centre of all plans and actions!
The Il Mandorlo Day Care Centre cares for 15 people with a learning disability and/or physical disability, from 9 am till 5pm every day for 6 days a week and from 9 till 12 on Saturdays. An additional part of the building is dedicated to welcome about 10 people with a learning or /and physical disability but currently is being let to an infant school .
In each residential home there are two beds available for respite care.
All medical assistance to the residents is offered by the General Practitioner Doctor. The Fondazione Luigi Scotto also provides its residents and service users with some specialist assistance by the neurologist, the educational -psychologist, the physiotherapist and the nurses on freelance work.
In both residential homes and day center, programs are person-centered and they mainly involve independent living and self care skills training either in large or small groups, with the appropriate support from the carers. Daily cooking, cleaning, gardening , community and art/craft laboratories take place and on weekly basis pet-therapy and dance therapy sessions are arranged.
Once or twice a year, primarily during summer season, the Fondazione Luigi Scotto organizes field and seaside activities, sport events such as cycling, fishing or bowling, as well as entertainment and cultural activities often linked to some national festivities such as Christmas, Easter, Hallowing and Spring Festival.